Welcome to THE CITY OF PLEASANT HILL's online portal

Providing access to all of your online development and construction services from your home, office, or mobile device.

New Users

If you have never applied for a permit, or made a code enforcement complaint before, you will need to setup an account, complete with username and password, to use this portal.  SETUP AN ONLINE ACCOUNT

Returning Users

If you are a returning user simply click the login link in the upper right corner or LOGIN HERE

All Portal Users

Please see the list of permit types and subtypes HERE to indicate which option/subtype you should choose.

Construction Permit Applications

Residential Building Permit(s)

Commercial Building Permit(s)

Electrical Permit

Mechanical Permit

Plumbing Permit

Floodplain Permit

Fire Alarm, Detection, and/or Suppression Systems Permit

Fuel Storage Permit

Zoning & Land Development Applications


Site Plan


Grading Permit

Construction Site Erosion & Sediment Control
(COSESCO) Permit

Street & Roadway Permits

Right-of-Way Excavation Permit

Oversize Load Permit

Street Closure Permit

Board of Adjustment Applications

Variance Request

Conditional Use

Special Use Application

Misc. Permits & Applications

Tax Abatement Application

Non-Construction Permits & Licensing